Verify Payments

Verify transactions after payments using Paystack's verify API

How to verify payments

You do this by making a GET request to the Verify TransactionAPI endpoint from your server using your transaction reference. This is dependent on the method you used to initialize the transaction.

From Popup or Mobile SDKs

You'll have to send the reference to your server, then from your server you call the verify endpoint.

From the Redirect API

You initiate this request from your callback URL. The transaction reference is returned as a query parameter to your callback URL.

Helpful Tip
If you offer digital value like airtime, wallet top-up, digital credit, etc, always confirm that you have not already delivered value for that transaction to avoid double fulfillments, especially, if you also use webhooks.

Here's a code sample for verifying transactions:

Show Response
2-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
2 "status": true,
3 "message": "Verification successful",
4 "data": {
5 "id": 690075529,
6 "domain": "test",
7 "status": "success",
8 "reference": "nms6uvr1pl",
9 "amount": 20000,
10 "message": null,
11 "gateway_response": "Successful",
12 "paid_at": "2020-05-19T12:30:56.000Z",
13 "created_at": "2020-05-19T12:26:44.000Z",
14 "channel": "card",
15 "currency": "NGN",
16 "ip_address": "",
17 "metadata": "",
18 "log": {
19 "start_time": 1589891451,
20 "time_spent": 6,
21 "attempts": 1,
22 "errors": 0,
23 "success": true,
24 "mobile": false,
25 "input": [],
26 "history": [
27 {
28 "type": "action",
29 "message": "Attempted to pay with card",
30 "time": 5
31 },
32 {
33 "type": "success",
34 "message": "Successfully paid with card",
35 "time": 6
36 }
37 ]
38 },
39 "fees": 300,
40 "fees_split": {
41 "paystack": 300,
42 "integration": 40,
43 "subaccount": 19660,
44 "params": {
45 "bearer": "account",
46 "transaction_charge": "",
47 "percentage_charge": "0.2"
48 }
49 },
50 "authorization": {
51 "authorization_code": "AUTH_xxxxxxxxxx",
52 "bin": "408408",
53 "last4": "4081",
54 "exp_month": "12",
55 "exp_year": "2020",
56 "channel": "card",
57 "card_type": "visa DEBIT",
58 "bank": "Test Bank",
59 "country_code": "NG",
60 "brand": "visa",
61 "reusable": true,
62 "signature": "SIG_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
63 "account_name": null
64 },
65 "customer": {
66 "id": 24259516,
67 "first_name": null,
68 "last_name": null,
69 "email": "",
70 "customer_code": "CUS_xxxxxxxxxxx",
71 "phone": null,
72 "metadata": null,
73 "risk_action": "default"
74 },
75 "plan": null,
76 "order_id": null,
77 "paidAt": "2020-05-19T12:30:56.000Z",
78 "createdAt": "2020-05-19T12:26:44.000Z",
79 "requested_amount": 20000,
80 "transaction_date": "2020-05-19T12:26:44.000Z",
81 "plan_object": {},
82 "subaccount": {
83 "id": 37614,
84 "subaccount_code": "ACCT_xxxxxxxxxx",
85 "business_name": "Cheese Sticks",
86 "description": "Cheese Sticks",
87 "primary_contact_name": null,
88 "primary_contact_email": null,
89 "primary_contact_phone": null,
90 "metadata": null,
91 "percentage_charge": 0.2,
92 "settlement_bank": "Guaranty Trust Bank",
93 "account_number": "0123456789"
94 }
95 }
The API response has a status key response.status indicating the status of the API call. This is not the status of the transaction. The status of the transaction is in the data object in the verify API response, i.e Learn more about Paystack API format.

Charge returning Users

The verify response also returns information about the payment instrument that the user paid with in the data.authorization object. If the channel is card, then you can store the authorization_code for that card against that user, and use that charge the user for subsequent transaction. Learn more about recurring charges.