Accept Payments on your Vue App

In A Nutshell
In a nutshell
Need to start accepting payments through your Vue app? In this article, we'll be exploring how to connect Paystack with your Vue app. We'll be using a sample checkout page on a donation form for our demo


Before you begin
You should create a free Paystack account. We'll provide you with test keys that you can use to make test your integration.

We're going to use our public keys for this demo. To get your public key, login into your Paystack dashboard and click on the Settings tab, and then click on API Keys & Webhooks.

You'll notice you have two public keys: Test and Live. While building your app, it's a good idea to use your test keys, as this will allow you to simulate transactions. Once your app is production-ready, you can switch over to your live keys.

Never use secret keys on client-side
Since this is a client-side integration, it means that our API keys will be exposed. To prevent anyone gaining access to our Paystack account, we want to make sure we're using our public keys. Secret keys should only ever be used on the server.

Project Setup

If you’re already familiar with Vue, then this section would be pretty familiar to you and you can skip to the next section, Installing Paystack. If not, VueJS is a Javascript library used for building frontend applications. NPM and Yarn are popular installation methods when building large scale applications with Vue.

1npm install -g @vue/cli
2# OR
3yarn global add @vue/cli

Once it’s installed, navigate to your desired folder and create a new Vue project;

1vue create project_name

The terminal would show you a couple of preset configurations, as a beginner, it’s recommended to choose the default. This would create a sample project project_name in the current directory. For the purpose of this guide, I’ll be creating a simple charity form to collect a user name, email address, and accepts payment from donors.

Here’s my App.vue snippet:

2 <div id="app">
3 <section>
4 <h1>Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet</h1>
5 <div class="formcontainer">
6 <hr />
7 <div class="container">
8 <label for="uname">
9 <strong>Full Name</strong>
10 </label>
11 <input v-model="full_name" required type="text" placeholder="John Doe" name="uname" />
12 <label for="email">
13 <strong>Email Address</strong>
14 </label>
15 <input v-model="email" required type="text" placeholder="" name="email" />
16 <label for="amount">
17 <strong>Amount</strong>
18 </label>
19 <input v-model="amount" type="tel" placeholder="1000" name="amount" required />
20 </div>
21 </div>
22 </section>
23 <img style="max-width:200px;" alt="Vue logo" src="./assets/pstk.png" />
24 </div>
27 export default {
28 name: "App",
29 components: {},
30 data: () => {
31 return {
32 amount: 0,
33 full_name: '',
34 email: '',
35 };
36 }

Install Paystack

Now to add the Paystack Vue package, this package contains the Paystack Inline JS library and the checkout as a single component. To add this plugin to your vue project;

1npm install vue-paystack --save

Once it's installed, import the library into your App.vue file like this

2import paystack from 'vue-paystack';
4export default {
5 name: "App",
6 components: {
7 paystack
8 },
9 data: () => {
10 return {
11 amount: null,
12 full_name: null,
13 email:null
14 };
15 }

Now the component is ready for you to use in the payment form.

Accept Payments

Now let's add the component to the form. The Paystack component has 5 required props:

  1. amount - The amount we're charging the customer
  2. email - All transactions on Paystack require a customer's email address
  3. paystackkey - Remember, public keys for client-side code always
  4. callback - A function that will run after a successful transaction is completed
  5. close - A function that will run when the customer closes the Paystack Checkout
2 :amount="amount * 100"
3 :email="email"
4 :paystackkey="PUBLIC_KEY"
5 :reference="reference"
6 :callback="processPayment"
7 :close="close"
8 >
9 Make Payment
10 </paystack>
Convert amount to a lower denomination
The amount entered by the customer should be converted to kobo before it's submitted, this is done by simply multiplying the value by 100

The unique reference field is auto generated, and the email and amount fields are collected from the user's input. Here are the callback methods:

1. . .
3computed: {
4 reference() {
5 let text = "";
6 let possible =
7 "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
9 for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
10 text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
12 return text;
13 }
14 },
15 methods: {
16 processPayment: () => {
17 window.alert("Payment recieved")
18 },
19 close: () => {
20 console.log("You closed checkout page")
21 }
22 },
24. . .

There you have it, our payment integration is now complete. The full code sample is in this repository and you can check out the live demo.

We also have another sample sneakers store built in Vue, here's the repository and live demo.